
Showing posts from March, 2013

Bad Apples

"Fruit of righteousness will be peace, its effect will be quietness and confidence forever!" Isaiah 32:17   "When the women saw that the fruit of the tree was good and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it." Gen. 3:6 Ugh....that first is always taken because we are desiring something........ I have eaten my share of bad fruit.  Just like Eve, it looked similar to the good fruit around me, but it was subtlely different.  The enemy is truely an evil schemer.  He offers that one piece, and if you take it....your lens begin to shift ever so slightly.  Then each piece of fruit that you continue to eat, over time, continues to skew your lens of reality...It is so subtle....if it wasn't we could recognize it right from the start.  By the time we have finished the fruit, we have such a warped view of our relationships, our self worth and our relationship with God....Am I the only one that has ev