Beautiful broken Hallelujah’s
What a gorgeous Easter Sunday. This day has been so precious and beautiful. I have soaked up every minute with my precious family. I have felt the sunshine on my face and listened to birds sing their song of Spring. I have loved the laughter and the hugs and the tears. We sang a song at church this morning reciting “Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah.” I have pondered those words all day. I can sing praises all morning, I can have thanks on my lips each day….but hallelujah…those words made me teary this morning. I came home this evening and began digging into that word that has nudged me all day. The research stated that hallelujah was in Psalms 24 times. I pulled out my bibles and could not find it…. I checked the NIV and the ESV and ended up on Bible Gateway trying to find this word that I so desperately needed to understand. In most versions of the Bible it has been repla...