Am I adequately equipped?

"Command and teach these things. Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity. Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching. " 1 Timothy 4:11-13

I am completely humbled and blown away. I keep asking the Lord to please give me the wisdom to protect and guard my children. It is a constant check when it comes to those little guys. If I do nothing else right, I want to teach those 3 precious angels to love the Lord with every ounce of their souls. I am by no means trying to toot my own horn. I am struggling if I am adequately equipped to shape these sweet babies.

So about 3 weeks ago, Taylor came to me and was very discouraged. He has been ministering to children in his class and sharing with them that God loves them. A true evangelism heart. This has been going on all year. He has amazed me with his boldness and making me stretch outside my comfort zone by giving me tasks regarding these efforts. So his discouragment broke my heart. He said "Mom, I really don't think they are getting it." A couple of weeks later, he came home and ask me "Why will the teachers not talk to me about God sometimes?" So that conversation was so hard and again begin to shake me.

I began to look into our private christian school here and have heard so many great things. As I have been researching, I have really struggled with where the Lord wants us. I see all the benefits of home schooling, private school, etc. but I have always felt that we were where God wanted us and he has always confirmed that to me.

Tonight I told the boys about their options and to be praying for God's wisdom on the best decision for our family. Taylor was very receptive and begin asking alot of questions. "What is different about HRM?" "Can all three of us go there?" "Are all the kids that go there know about Jesus?"

Wow.....what? So I ask, what are you thinking? I cannot write his responds without crying "because mom, if all those kids at the Christian school know about Jesus, I should stay in public school. So many people need to know about God."

So I am asking you all for prayer. I want to protect my children, but I want to also be obedient and teaching them to hear from God. I want to help them tune into listening to the Lord. So I do not want to operate out of fear. So am I adequately equipped to help this precious soldier put on this Armor of God each day and fight this battle? I pray that I am. I am praying for wisdom. Join with me as we pray for this next generation. That they will be lights to this darken world.


  1. I love it!! You do such a great job writing!! You are the perfect Mommy for those kids and don't let the enemy tell you different. I am so proud of you and your kids and the light that shines from all of you!!

  2. i should not read anything written by a crabtree while in class because i always end up crying! you are an amazing mom and the perfect one for your children. i'm joining you in prayer as we make the same decision for our family. love you so.

  3. Praise God! What a warrior. I know that God, Jesus and Paul are all having conversations in heaven about this right now! Our prayers are with you Sis and your family. God definitely has his hand on 433 Clemons Rd.
    Granddad and Nana.

  4. wow! how sweet is this?!? praise the lord that he has revealed himself to taylor in such a cool way! i am praying that this passion for people to know the lord and his passion to see people who do not know the lord come to Him, will NEVER cease but only become stronger and more blessed by God. I pray god uses your little man to reach the children at school. i pray thoughts are stirred, quesitons are asked, and lives are changed!! to god be the glory! amen!


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