
"The righteous will flourish like a palm tree,they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon; planted in the house of the LORD, they will flourish in the courts of our God. " Psalm 92:12-13

I have been pondering my relationship with God and the different season that we have weathered together. I love this time of year and all the new green growth springing forth. I have the most beautiful hydrangea that I inherited when we bought our house. I have been reading about the best ways to care for them. I am amazed at how reflective these plants are to our walk with Christ.

These plants look so bare and unattractive right now. I have recently been in that season. These are the times in our lives that we feel stripped. We so often mistaken these times as God is distant from us. I am more convinced than ever that this is a time that God is moving in a way to equip us. This season is hard, but this season is humbling and brings us back into balance. During this time, you cannot see what is going on in the shoots of these wonderful plants. While I was in this season, I wanted more of God and frustrated that I seemed to be living off of yesterday's blessings. I seemed more focused on the past intimate encounters with the Lord rather than experience new ones. I recently learned that by leaving last years blooms on the plants it protects the new growth until harsh weather has passed and it is strong enough to trim those old brown blooms. ISN"T THAT PERFECT!! I love this. In these bare seasons, pondering and hanging on to our old blessings and encounters keeps us grounded. It keeps us fully expecting those "blooms" again.

As I look at these plants and see the new growth beginning to peep out and the fresh dew on the leaves. My sweet sisters, IT IS TIME! The bare and stripping season is over. Like the plant that has been dormant, oh but the work has been within. Just like the dew drops on the plant, the living waters of the Holy Spirit are preparing us. I am ready Lord. The "blooms" this year will be different than last year, but nonetheless just as beautiful. Thank you for the protection of last years "blooms." I will keep them a bit longer, but new life is springing forth and I am ready to GROW!

Sweet sisters, I anxiously await the blooms of this new season. Oh how beautiful our "blooms" will be!


  1. LOVE IT!! welcome to the blog world! You are a beautiful writer :)


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